Tuesday, March 1, 2011

faith or foolishness

Are you looking for wisdom? yea me too. We received some money last week and an opportunity to get a house to rent for less than we are paying now for the "department".... here's the problem .... after paying for some things we needed to pay we don't really seem to have enough to pay all the deposits and first and last months rent and the hit for breaking our lease and our bills ....so the question is what to do - what to do - is it faith or foolishness to streeeeeetttch it to the enth degree and then possibly find ourselves without enough funds (and not alot of chance of more money coming in without another miracle)
What I know:
God's arm is not short and he is my Jehovah Jireh
His plans for me are good and whether or not we get this house that doesn't change.
He knows what I have need of before I even and ask and I have been asking.
A man should count the the cost before building his house (or renting it)
I don't know the answer but I'll keep asking and I'm sure he will show me! Keep praying for us and we will let you know when we know

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